© 2011 . All rights reserved. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Frankfurt Festhalle

Red Hot Chili Peppers and Femi Kuti

Red Hot Chili Peppers sup. by Femi Kuti and the Postive Force

Festhalle Frankfurt, October 21, 2011

It has become a personal ritual every year in late October: picking a major concert to celebrate my birthday. This time I did not have to travel far away. Instead, the Red Hot Chili Peppers were to perform at the Festhalle Frankfurt which is lcoated just 30min away from my home!
It was a RHCP first time for me. And WOW – how cool was this: I had never seen a band that would introduce the support act personally (Flea) and join it for their last song (Flea and John Frusciante Josh Klinghoffer)!
Femi Kuti and his band “The Positive Force” brought the lively spirits of Nigeria to the venue, in total 13 musicians and dancers with lots of power and fun to celebrate.
The performance of the Peppers played in the top league of Funk’n Roll. I especially enjoyed Chad Smith playing the drums. What a man! Not to forget the awesome show with movable video screens that I have not encountered like this before. Thus the 13.500 fans and I experienced a band in best playing mood presenting an awesome setlist.

Concert Facts:
Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Tour: I’m With You World Tour
Date: October 21, 2011
Support act: Femi Kuti & The Positive Force
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Venue: Festhalle
Audience: 13.000 (sold out)
Photo location: audience
Equipment: Canon G11
Review: Frankfurter Rundschau
Photo Galleries: www.intro.de


Red Hot Chili Peppers Setlist Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 2011, I'm With You

One Comment

  1. daniel
    Posted June 16, 2012 at 17:31 | Permalink

    bitte. recherchier einfach die musiker der band. john frusciante ist 2009 bereits ausgestiegen, josh klinghoffer spielt gitarre. bitte nicht auch EXPERTE machen wenn man keine ahnung hat. danke!

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